1. I am the Master of my Fate, I am the Captain of my Soul. (我是我命运的主人,我是我灵魂的船长) (Henry Ford)
2. Cultivate your own garden. (修理好你自己的花园---大脑)(Voltaire)
3. Gratitude is an attitude. (感恩是一种活着的态度)(on the bridge from Omaha to Council Bluff, Iowa)
4. 生命是一个意识能量,她源于本源的纯宇宙意识能量。纯宇宙意识能量是一切有形显现的家园,找到回家的路才能收获繁荣、幸福、平安, 心想事成!! ( A Human Life is a particle of the Energy of Pure Consciousness, whith is also the HOME of all physical things. The huamn life can attract happiness, peace and prosperity at his own will only by finding the right way back HOME.(王文
5. Nothing is impossible. (没有什么是不可能的)(不知何时跃入脑海)
6. 道法自然 (The TAO acts within the cycles of Nature Laws)(老子)