企管之道 企业家修炼
王文明:道德经英文 第六十四章
2016-01-20 4307

第六十四章  慎始敬终

其安易持,其未兆易谋,其脆易泮,其微易散。为之于未有,治之于未乱。合抱之木,生于毫末;九层之台,起于累土;千里之行,始于足下。 为者败之,执者失之。



Careful Beginning Combne with CautiousEnding


What remains still is easy to hold. What is not yet manifest iseasy to plan for. What is brittle is easy to crack. What is minute is easy toscatter.



Handle things before they appear. Organize things before thereis confusion.


A tree with a full span's girth begins from a tiny sprout; Anine-storied terrace begins with a clod of earth. A journey of a thousand libeings at one's feet.

He who forces things to their willfails. He who grasps things loses them. The Enlightened Individuals do nothingagainst nature,

hencethey spoil nothing,

theyseize nothing,

hencethey lose nothing.

In handling things people usually fail when they are about tosucceed. Be as careful at the end as at the beginning, and there will be nofailure.


ThusEnlightened Individuals desire to be disireless

They does not value rare treasures.

They learn bythe universal intelligence,

not blinded byhuman greediness,

thus they willbe free from the common faults;

In this waythey assist all things naturally,

withoutventuring to act against the antural laws.



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