企管之道 企业家修炼
王文明:道德经英文 第二十五章
2016-01-20 5648

第二十五章  道法自然

The Tao functions within the Natural Laws

There was an origin of enengy formless anf perfect

before the universe was born.

It is silent、vast、independent, and unchanging.

It may be regarded as the Mother of the universe.

I do not know its name, so I just call it the Tao. If forced to give it a name, I shall call it Great.

Now being great means transcendental power without boundary,  transcendental power without boundary means far-reaching. Being far-reaching to the extreme means returning to the original point.


Therefore, the Tao is Great. Heaven is Great. The Earth is Great. Humankind is Great. In the Universe there are these four things which are Great, And humankind is one of them.

Man follows the ways of the Earth. The Earth follows the ways of Universe, Universe follows the ways of Tao, The Tao functions within the Natural Laws.


在有形的物质世界形成之前, 就有一个浑然一体的宇宙时空场存在了。这个浑然一体的宇宙时空场寂静无声,而广阔无形, 它循环往复,永不停息。它就是宇宙万物本源,我也不知它的名字,就把它称为“道”。勉强称之为“大”,大就不断的向外延伸,延伸而遥不可及,遥不可及至极又返回。道广无边际,由它衍生出的空间也大无边际,人类赖以生存的地域广大,赋有纯宇宙意识能量的人类同样是大。环宇间的四大之中,人类为其中之一。


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