企管之道 企业家修炼
王文明:道德经英文 第二十三章
2016-01-20 5643

第二十三章    得道多助


Gaining the Support of Nature

Nature acts without words.

Hence the whirlwind does not last a whole morning,

nor the sudden rainstorm last a whole day.

What causes these?

Mother Nature herself.

If Mother Nature cannot make them long lasting,

How can humans do?

Thus, those who cultivate themselves in the Tao,

identify with the Tao.

Those who cultivate themselves in the laws of the Tao,

identify with Power.

Those who cultivate themselves in failure,

identify with failure.

Those who identify with the Tao ,

are likewise cherished by the Tao.

Those who identify with the laws of the Tao,

are likewise cherished by he laws of the Tao.

Those who identify with failure,

are likewise met with failure.

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