企管之道 企业家修炼
王文明:道德经英文 第十章
2016-01-20 6061
Keeping Oneness


Manifesting body, mind and spirit, can you stay centered in the oneness of Infinity?

In gathering your vital energy to attain suppleness, Can you soften your body as a newborn baby?

Can you clean and purify your profound insight so it will free of doubt?


In loving the people and leading your organization

can you act in line with TAO without your own selfishness?

In opening and closing the gateway to nature

can you act within the female power fo creation?


Enlightened to see far into all directions of manifestation and evolution

can you understand all things?


Giving birth, nourishing life, shaping things without possessing them, serving without expectation of reward, leading without dominating: These are the profound virtues of natural laws.


第十章   营魄抱一

载营魄抱一,能无离乎。专气致柔,能如婴儿乎。涤除玄鉴,能如疵乎。爱民治国,能无为乎。天门开阖,能为雌乎。明白四达,能无知乎。 生之畜之。 生而不有, 为而不恃, 长不弗宰, 是谓玄德。




人作为道的能量的一个粒子显现与世, 能够身心保持一致吗? 呼吸吐纳,切断念头, 运气周身达到心平气和, 能像孩童般纯真无邪吗? 达到彻悟时, 还有任何不解和疑惑吗? 治理国家, 能去有限的人类智巧, 而遵守道的自然规律去自然而为吗? 认知道由无到有相互转换, 能守静了然其本源创造力吗? 体悟宇宙的有无转换, 还会有什么不清楚的吗?

道化生万物, 却不占为己有;成就万物的循环,却不居功;它任万物依其规律显现、进化,而不去主宰他们;这便是人类要学习、要崇尚遵守的最高自然品德。

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