2016-01-20 46831

西班牙当代杰出的哲学家、佛学家、跨文化研究的先驱雷蒙·潘尼卡(Raimon Panikkar1918-)先生 指出:智慧说,我并不与精明同一。智慧要求有洞见、技能和才智。《法华经义疏》中解释:智是决断(决疑断惑),慧是拣择(考察切要)。智是观照,慧是了知。 耳灵为聪,眼清为明。本意为耳聪目明。聪,察也。――《说文》,听曰聪。――《书·洪范》,闻审谓之聪。――《管子·宙合》现在指天资高,记忆和理解力强等。 在日常的生活中,有些环境下我们会混淆之间的差异,但我们确知小聪明成就不了大事业,这是许多 人明白却又无法不触犯的道理。在麦肯锡官方网站看到的招聘信息中,列出的四大条件,第一条就强调解决问题的能力。

英文原文如下: What we look for McKinsey consultants excel in four areas We hire exceptional people with outstanding capabilities and great potential in four areas. Each area is critical to success in our day-to-day work. 1. Problem solving. McKinsey consultants help leaders solve their toughest and most urgent problems. You must have superior intellectual abilities as well as a practical sense of what works in complex organizations. Achieving. Our consultants strive to deliver distinctive and lasting client impact. This requires tremendous energy, determination, and judgment, particularly when working with multiple stakeholders under tight deadlines.

3. Personal impact. McKinsey consultants work closely with a wide range of people in their daily jobs. This calls for strong communication skillsparticularly when addressing conflicting points of view. You have to be adept at building trusting relationships with clients to enlist their participation and support.

4. Leadership. Leading people and fostering productive teamwork are critical to success here. You need excellent leadership skills to bring people together to drive positive change within organizations.

Our consultants are accomplished and well rounded, with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Theyre also fun to work with. Our clients and colleagues value this unique mix of talent, skill, and character.




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