2016-01-20 13157

南卡罗莱纳大学的Thomas Kramer和纽约市立大学的Lauren G. Block以直觉型思维者为对象进行了一项实验。实验中,一组参与者被告知,他们用的纸被很有创造力的人摸过;另一组则被告知,他们用的纸被不太有创造力的人摸过。结果,前一组参与者展现出了更高创造力,想出的曲别针用途比另一组多67%。如果实验参与者换成理性型思维者,则没有这种效应。两位研究者认为,让直觉型员工继承头脑灵光的前辈用过的笔或电脑,可能提升他们的工作表现。(王晨/编译)

  Research participants with intuitive thinking styles demonstrated higher creativity after handling papers supposedly touched by creative people and lower creativity after handling papers said to have been touched by less-creative people, say Thomas Kramer of the University of South Carolina and Lauren G. Block of the City University of New York. Those who believed the papers had been touched by creative people came up with about 67% more ways to use a paperclip than those who thought the papers had been touched by people with low creativity (there was no such effect among participants with highly rational thinking styles). The findings suggest that intuitive-minded employees may perform better on assigned tasks when using pens or computers previously used by creative or intelligent people, the researchers say.

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